Awards Categories
Please Note:
A Property Master need not be a member of the Guild to submit their work. However, only members will be eligible to vote on nominations and awards.
The Awards Committee holds the right to move any entry into a more appropriate category or to disqualify any submission that does not comply with the rules for each category.
If the Guild receives fewer than 5 submissions for any single category it may, at its discretion, combine two or more categories.
To qualify, a feature film must be over 50 minutes in running time, have a narrative structure, and tell a complete story. Sequels and Prequels to feature films are also considered feature films even though they may expand upon the story told previously. It must take place in a world of futuristic, inventive, or fantastical nature. This may include magic, supernatural events, horror, depict advanced or non-existent technology, or depict non-existent creatures.
This category is not limited to any time period where the events take place. At least 51% of the film must exhibit these characteristics to be considered for this category.
To qualify, a feature film must be over 50 minutes in running time, have a narrative structure, and tell a complete story. Sequels and Prequels to feature films are also considered feature films even though they may expand upon the story told previously. Over 51% of its story, locations, and props should portray a time period at least 15 years prior to the current awards year.
To qualify, a feature film must be over 50 minutes in running time, have a narrative structure, and tell a complete story. Sequels and Prequels to feature films are also considered feature films even though they may expand upon the story told previously. Over 51% of its story should portray places characters and props of a realistic nature in the world as we currently know it. The time period can be as early as 15 years prior to 5 years in advance of the current awards year.
To qualify in this category, a production must have at least 8 episodes. If a series has fewer than 8 episodes, but has an ongoing storyline and characters in prior seasons, than it will be accepted as a series and not as a miniseries. Each episode must have the same single title of the series (although individual episodes may have episodic names under the banner of the series name. The episodes must be related to the rest of the episodes in continuity and executive supervision. Each Episode must be primarily recorded using a single camera, and must be at least 40 minutes in length.
To qualify in this category, a series must take place in a world of futuristic, inventive, or
fantastical nature. This may include magic, supernatural events, horror, depict advanced or non-existent technology, or depict non-existent creatures. This category is not limited to any time period where the events take place. At least 51% of the series must exhibit these characteristics to be considered for this category.To qualify in this category, a production must have at least 8 episodes. If a series has fewer than 8 episodes, but has an ongoing storyline and characters in prior seasons, than it will be accepted as a series and not as a miniseries. Each episode must have the same single title of the series (although individual episodes may have episodic names under the banner of the series name. The episodes must be related to the rest of the episodes in continuity and executive supervision. Each Episode must be primarily recorded using a single camera, and must be at least 40 minutes in length.
To Qualify as a Period series, over 51% of its story, locations, and props should portray a time period at least 15 years prior to the current awards year.To qualify in this category, a production must have at least 8 episodes. If a series has fewer than 8 episodes, but has an ongoing storyline and characters in prior seasons, than it will be accepted as a series and not as a miniseries. Each episode must have the same single title of the series (although individual episodes may have episodic names under the banner of the series name. The episodes must be related to the rest of the episodes in continuity and executive supervision. Each Episode must be primarily recorded using a single camera, and must be at least 40 minutes in length.
To Qualify as a Contemporary series, over 51% of its story themes should portray places of a realistic nature in the world as we currently know it. The time period can be as early as 15 years prior to 5 years in advance of the current awards year.
To qualify in this category, a production must have at least 6 episodes. If a series has fewer than 6 episodes, but has an ongoing storyline and characters in prior seasons, than it will be accepted as a series and not as a miniseries. Each episode must have the same single title of the series although individual episodes may have episodic names under the banner of the series name. The episodes must be related to the rest of the episodes in continuity and executive supervision. Each Episode must be primarily recorded using a single camera, and must be between 20 minutes and 40 minutes in length. All genres are welcome under this description.
To qualify in this category, a production must have at least 6 episodes. If a series has fewer than 6 episodes, but has an ongoing storyline and characters in prior seasons, than it will be accepted as a series and not as a miniseries. Each episode must have the same series title, although individual episodes may have episodic names under the banner of the series name. The episodes must be related to the rest of the episodes in continuity and executive supervision. Each Episode must be primarily recorded using three or more cameras, recording simultaneously. Multi-camera series are traditionally, but not necessarily, recorded before a live studio audience. Episodes must be between 20 minutes and 40 minutes in length. All genres are welcome under this description.
To qualify in this series, a production must have between 2 and 6 episodes with a total running time of at least 150 minutes that tells a complete, non-reccurring story. A miniseries does not have an ongoing storyline and or main characters in prior or subsequent seasons. Each episode must have the same series title, although individual episodes may have episodic names under the banner of the series name. Each episode must have the same series title, although individual episodes may have episodic names under the banner of the series name. The episodes must be related to the rest of the episodes in continuity and executive supervision. A miniseries might get an additional season, which would make the second season qualify as a television series.
This category includes music videos 20 minutes or less in length. It includes commercials under 20 minutes in length. It includes stand-alone narrative productions that are under 50 minutes length. It also includes web series of more than 2 episodes with each episode under 20 minutes in length.
Each episode of the web series must have the same series title, although individual episodes may have episodic names under the banner of the series name. The episodes must be related to the rest of the episodes in continuity and executive supervision.
To qualify as a commercial, a production must be made with the intent to advertise a product, company, organization, or cause.
To qualify for this category, a production is traditionally recorded with multiple cameras recording simultaneously. A variety show is sketch based in nature with several independent performances that follow one another. An event special includes but is not limited to a recording of a stage play, sporting event, or other one time presentation. A reality series or game show should be unscripted in its presentation, and have at least 6 episodes of at least 20 minutes in length with the same series title, although individual episodes may have episodic names under the banner of the series name. The episodes must be related to the rest of the episodes in continuity and executive supervision.
To be eligible, a Property Master must have a career spanning 2 decades. They must have achieved excellence in at least one or more of the following categories:
-Breaking barriers and/or supporting inclusion in the racial and gender makeup of working Property Masters.
-Demonstrating excellence while working across genres.
-Elevating the Assistant Property Masters that work with them.
-Demonstrating a mastery in the craft and creating an example for others to follow and aspire to.
Given to a Property Master Guild member for humanitarian work outside of the craft of Property Master work.
Please Note:
A Property Master need not be a member of the Guild to submit their work. However, only members will be eligible to vote on nominations and awards.
The Event Committee holds the right to move any entry into a more appropriate category or to disqualify any submission that does not comply with the rules for each category.
If the PMG receives fewer than 5 submissions for any single category it may, at its discretion,
combine two or more categories.